Game Changers

10 Women in Golf Describe What Makes the Game Special

By Abbi Kasitz
Published on

You know what they say: golf is the game for everyone. It's the sport of a lifetime. One of the only ones you can pick up when you're 2 and play until you're 100.
But it hasn't always been this way. Historically, golf has been a sport for predominantly men. Luckily, in more recent years the game has become more welcoming to everyone, and women in particular have been become major players and participants in the game, thanks to trailblazers like Renee Powell. In celebration of Women's History Month, we're spotlighting all the women in golf who make the game better every day.
If you're curious about picking up the game yourself, or simply want to rejoice in the magic that is golf, you've come to the right place. Here is what makes golf so special, in the words of 10 female PGA of America Golf Professionals:

Jane Blalock, PGA

The game of golf has enriched my life to a level impossible to express in words.

Jane Blalock, PGA

Alison Curdt, PGA

What makes the game special is there is no finish line. There's always an opportunity to get better and better every day. The journey of being my best in golf never ends.

Alison Curdt, PGA

Kate Drimel, PGA

I love golf because it represents my past, present and future. I aim to use golf as a catalyst for others to pursue their dreams, just as it has allowed me to pursue mine.

Kate Drimel, PGA

Susan Bond-Philo, PGA

Golf is woven into my family fabric. My dad introduced me to the sport and was there after every tournament with a big hug, win or lose. Golf is who we are.

Susan Bond-Philo, PGA

Leah Im, PGA

I have no idea where I would be without golf. It has impacted my life in so many of the best ways. I am truly blessed to play this amazing sport.

Leah Im, PGA

Caitlyn Doyle, PGA

the game of golf is the closest game to the game we call life. Golf challenges us, humbles us, provides us joy, gives us a sense of community, and allows us to improve physically, spiritually and mentally.

Caitlyn Doyle, PGA

Joanne Coe, PGA

Golf's uniqueness lies in its dual role for me: a competitive challenge at the highest level and a platform for inspiring the next generation of golfers and leaders.

Joanna Coe, PGA

Trish Holt, PGA

Getting to spend every day at the golf course is a dream come true. It's like a playground. You get to come to the place you love every day and call it work.

Trish Holt, PGA

Charlene Bendt, PGA

This game gives me an opportunity to help people and it has introduced me to so many amazing individuals in my life. Everyone I love I have met through golf.

Charlene Bendt, PGA

Erin Sargent, PGA

Golf is woven into my life story - from summer camps to college golf. I love this game for the countless memories shared with family and friends, the opportunities it has opened up for me, and the person it has helped me become.

Erin Sargent, PGA