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Four Keys to Keep Your Short Game Sharp in Match Play

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Justin Thomas during the Friday Afternoon Foursomes at the 42nd Ryder Cup held at Le Golf National on September 28-30, 2018 in Guyancourt, France. (Photo by Darren Carroll/PGA of America)

In match play, every single shot that you hit could mean the difference between winning or losing a hole. In stroke play, you always have the opportunity to make up for bad shots and still post a great score which could keep you in the mix.
If you get down early in match play, it could make recovery, and victory, much more of a challenge to achieve.
Many times, it is a putting miscue or a thinned chip…perhaps even a chunked pitch or leaving a bunker shot in the sand. These types of misses are costly no matter what format you are playing, but in match play, it means a lost hole and a lost opportunity. With that said, let's look at some ways to stay sharp with your short game during pressure-filled matches.
Fully Assess the Situation 
If you already have a pre-shot routine where you look very carefully at all aspects of the shot at hand, Bravo! You are among a small minority. You should strive to learn how to feel the firmness of the putting surface with your feet…asses the wind speed and direction…look for the direction the grain of the grass is growing, both on the green and the areas around it. 
Even by watching how the ball is reacting with the shots your opponent is hitting you can learn a lot. Set a goal to get better at taking everything in.
Look From All Sides
No matter if it’s a putt, chip, greenside pitch, or bunker shot, make sure you don’t just give it the old once over from behind the ball and down the target line. There is so much more information you can gather by making a quick trip all the way around the hole. Not only look for slopes but as I said earlier, try to feel them with your feet. You may be very surprised by what you learn from this all-points analysis; And it could help you win the hole too.
Get Dialed In on your Spot
Once you make a thorough analysis of the situation, commit to your spot. In putting, find and commit to your aim point and really get hyper focused on it. Remember, many times, it's not the hole itself that you are going to be looking at. In pitching or chipping, you must commit to a landing spot around the type of shot that you are going to be using.
Know What Shot You Want to Hit
Indecision is deadly around the green. Getting caught in-between deciding if the shot calls for something low and running or higher with spin can really be a recipe for disaster. Once you make your assessment of what’s needed, make your decision, be confident with it and execute the shot to the best of your ability.

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Brendon R. Elliott, PGA

Sorrento, FL

Brendon Elliott

Director of Instruction, Freelance Golf Writer

After 16 remarkable years of nurturing young talent and fostering a love for golf through The Little Linksters Golf Academy, Brendon Elliott is excited to announce the transition of leadership to esteemed Coach Ricky Collado in 2025. As the baton is passed, Coach Ricky will take charge of all operations and become the primary point of contact for any Linksters-related inquiries. As Brendon steps into a new chapter, the focus will shift to launching and growing BE A GOLFER, a new academy dedicated to competitive teenage golfers. This initiative will continue both in-person and remote coaching, harnessing years of expertise to nurture the next generation of golfing talent. Further expanding horizons, Brendon will also dedicate time to One More Roll Golf Media. This venture aims to collaborate with various golf media outlets and businesses, delivering high-quality written, video, and voice content. Despite these new ventures, Brendon will remain closely connected with Little Linksters. A commitment to collaboration with Coach Ricky will continue, particularly with projects like the PGA Junior League, ensuring a lasting impact and smooth transition. “I am thrilled about the future of Little Linksters under Coach Ricky Collado’s leadership. This transition marks a change and an exciting new direction for me and the academy. I look forward to contributing my efforts towards developing competitive young golfers and advancing in the golf media landscape.” ~ Brendon R. Elliott, PGA More About Coach Brendon... Brendon Elliott is a distinguished PGA Professional who has received over 25 prestigious industry awards recognizing his contributions and influence in youth golf, most notably, the 2017 PGA of America National Youth Player Development Award. With numerous appearances on the Golf Channel and local news outlets in Florida, Brendon has established himself as a respected educator and influencer in the golf industry. Renowned for his expertise in all aspects of golf, he is a sought-after speaker at golfing events and panels. In the past three years, Brendon has expanded into media, writing for esteemed outlets such as PGA.com, PGA Magazine, Golf.com, GolfWRX.com, RG.org, and many others. Elliott is also part of the “Quiet Please Golf Podcast” crew and hosts a livestream show on the Golf Live App called “Monday Evening Tee Time.” Brendon’s dedication to advancing the sport has made a significant impact on the golf community.

Meet Brendon