
Simple Shoulder Stretches to Improve Your Golf Posture & Flexibility

By Kayla Gutierrez
Published on

Let’s talk shoulders.
The shoulders play a significant role in the rotational movements in the golf swing, and having efficient shoulder mobility will help golfers excel on the golf course. Since they directly correlate with other essential muscles in the body like back and neck muscles, your shoulders help drive the upper body movements in the swing. 
These muscles are the cornerstone of the golf swing, making it incredibly important to activate them in your workout.
PGA Coach Thor Parrish, the founder of Thunder Performance in Fort Myers, Florida, suggests all golfers incorporate exercises that will improve shoulder stability and flexibility into their next workout. By utilizing cable-cross machines in the gym or elastic bands at home, we have the perfect shoulder rotational exercises for any golfer to try.
Parrish recommends this simple three-round circuit below, called a “Y, T, W.” It is designed to target and strengthen muscles in the back, shoulders and neck, and is a great way to improve your posture and reduce the risk of injuries. You can also do these exercises as part of your pre-round warmup.
Y Position
Here's how to do it: Take a resistance band and find a stable piece of equipment to wrap it around, so the band’s handles face toward you. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the band in front of your body at a height between your chest and belly button (whatever feels comfortable). 
Grab onto each band and extend your arms to both sides, forming a “Y “ shape with your body. 
Be sure to extend your arms as far back as you can behind your body to activate muscles in the shoulders, back, and neck. Hold this position for 5 seconds, and extend your arms back to the starting position. 
Do this in four rounds of 15 reps. You can also do this stretch without a resistance band to start out, and just form the “Y” shape with your arms.
T Position
Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the same resistance band instructions as the “Y” move. 
Grab onto each band and extend your arms out to both sides, forming a “T “ shape with your body. Be sure to extend your arms as far back as you can behind your body to activate muscles in the shoulders, back, and neck. 
Hold this position for five seconds, and extend your arms back to the starting position. Do these in four rounds of 15 reps. You can also do this stretch without a resistance band to start out, and just form the “T” shape with your arms.
W Position
Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, with the resistance band now in front of your body at about chest height. 
Bend your elbows to a 90-degree position, and bring your hands up towards your shoulders, forming a “W” shape. Be sure to extend your arms as far back as you can behind your body to activate muscles in the shoulders, back, and neck. 
Hold this position for five seconds, and extend your arms back to the starting position. Do these in 4 rounds of 15 reps. You can also do this stretch without a resistance band to start out, and just form the “W” shape with your arms.